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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Small Realizations That Will Change My Life!

I made mistakes , a lot of them this past week . No,it wasn't a question of calculus nor was it a problem on thermodynamics.I suffered and hurt a lot of people in this way. But far from falling apart I have finally come to realize what actually is important for me. You might say that .... "Oh cmon! I read that in inspirational stories long ago " or " Dude! that is the philosophy of life , everyone knows it. It is supposed to be obvious" Yeah I agree; but having experienced what I have I realize the true potential of each and every word that I mention below

You define your own success .

Failing to succeed someplace doesn't mean that you are a failure.

Success is what satisfies you truly.

Rethink your priorities before jumping in the rat-race.

The final and the most important one is each and every realization written above holds a 'you' - which is the most important thing . You may lose confidence in everything and everyone around you but never make the mistake of losing confidence in yourself!

These words are no longer mere words of wisdom as far as I am concerned and well for all those who read inspirational stories and motivational stuff I've cut down  some work for you - skip the story here is your moral . Go learn it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The 'Fatigue' Story

You might dread a spider , the pink slip , your exam results but I guess you must have never experienced the fear of hearing these four words - "Report to me tonight". Not impressed? "Not quite the usual run of bone-chilling words." you might say. A bummer you insist.Well ,I'll paint "tonight" for you and then you might feel the phobia.Picture this- A seventh grader , a small kid who has yet to face the harsher realities of life , a bunch of seventh graders actually , lined up , silent and trembling as the prefect ( a 12th Grader from the Prefect body) walks up and down stopping occasionally to stare the living daylights out of one of them and then it starts - the traditional dips , front support , 2 mins to the scoreboard and back and the timid seventh grader tries his best to keep up with the frequency at which the punishment comes but he is not good enough. So , time for him to bend over and receive his punishment for not carrying out the punishment properly.The kicks are easy , if its hockey sticks (Which it is for the 10th graders) then you've run out of all the luck in life mate! It doesn't last for long , half an hour at the maximum and one hour for the senior guys but yes we all do remember the two hour "horror" we had to face back  in seventh grade.Kids have it easier now, we had a tough time and the people before us were not exactly the part of the 'lucky bunch' . Welcome to punishment-time in boarding life!

When we entered Dixon Wing , we were wary of the infamous 'fatigues' and were cautious in the beginning but we were kids , we broke rules and were punished as an effect. I remember the first one , loads of dips and running to the scoreboard (it is really far!!) but being sixth graders we were always let off easily.The worst ones for me were the ones when you had to change into your college kit in 2 minutes , because I had to tie my tie each and every time and it actually took up most of the time and then we had to do it all over again.Class 7 was worse ( we had to write lines!!) .We were a year senior now and more discipline was expected from us but again we fell short on that count and that led to the big 'fatigue' on the night of the fifteenth of August. My arms and thighs hurt for two days.Grade 8 was better as by now we had more friends among the 12th graders and dorm prefects were certainly the best. No fatigues from them , but then the College Captain did not spare us or rather me this year (I know this might sound harsh to him but of course it was his duty I realise that ) .I spent atleast 30 minutes once doing rounds of the front quad with my hands held high and on another occasion after two and a half hours of non stop badminton I was caught by him again for breaking the rules.So that is how it was - a long story of back breaking punishments a.k.a fatigues
I left Sherwood that year and if allowed to reverse time I would go back to my years in Sherwood even if it meant all the slogs and dips again!!

Smile away , cuz the world is worth it!