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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Dilapidated, an ugly scar cut into her being,
Polluted, by shapeless and grey venom ,
Torn, in part and as a whole in soul,
Screaming -  poisoned by the holy serum.

The rut and rust crawling on her body,
Insects drawn to foul and filth.
A distant scream, not one , nor two,
to survive, to die, to squander all tilth.

No rush to aid, but blood sucking termites,
'Have mercy on my soul'  unnoticed from her lips,
Falls on ears deaf and sound.
'Kill me slowly as you murder my daughters' her heart rips.

The motherland cries, the mother - she dies,
Each moment, each time a cruel blow fells a daughter.
Society reeks of inhuman waste , a sorry cry
for the men and women who consider humans meat and fodder.

Be it the December gang rape case , or any other such act of cruelty, society as we know it is, at the brink of an end. It is not such cases that should serve as examples to open our eyes. The society is ours - yours and mine and therein lies our duty to stop such inhuman actions.  To see news paper headlines speak of nothing else but rape and such gruesome horrors as female foeticide, infanticide and such unspeakable deeds shows the lack of humanity. I just wish we were better. I just we were good enough to be called 'humans'.

My view after I saw an entire side in the online TOI page filled with rape cases from top to bottom an hour back.


  1. Very Intense indeed and Well Depicted...


Smile away , cuz the world is worth it!